
Beginners’ Guide to Automated Testing Frameworks

Manual testing has been a great support for enterprises to ensure complete satisfaction and error-free coding. With the introduction of automation, things are getting easier with more businesses and professionals opting for automation testing framework technology. If you are new to the ‘Tech’ world and have been looking for an easier way for testing, here is the complete guide on automation testing frameworks. In this post, we’ve covered all the required information about automation testing that will give you an insight into test automation frameworks and their components. So, let’s dive into the details. What Is Test Automation? The test automation is the process of automating the process of manually handling of various industrial processes. This means, there is little or no human intervention required for the testing. When talking about testing in the IT industry, this refers to the testing of mobile apps, websites, software, plugins, etc. The automation testing fram

Top Emerging Automated Software Testing Trends to Look Out in 2020

Today, it is next to impossible for software organizations to just use manual testing for multi-platform systems. Quality Assurance is an integral part of the web development industry, but it can become complex when taking into account cross-browser, native iOS/Android apps, desktop and API services. More and more software companies are looking for the advanced and reliable software testing solutions to deliver quality products and keep up with agile continuous integration and deployment.  The advancements introduced in the software development process open several trends that are expected to be seen in the test automation framework testing in 2020. Automation Itself Although there are many automation testing tools that businesses are already using across the world, the trend is likely to notice a significant hike in 2020. With the involvement of technologies like DevOps, AI and Machine Learning, the automation testing framework solutions are likely to be more advanced